Government of India Act of 1858
The revolt of 1857 which was eventually suppressed gave a death blow to East India company’s rule in India and new act Government of India Act of 1858 was passed by the British Parliament
Historical Background:
- Company upper hand after Charter Act of 1853
- Doctrine of Lapse
- The Revolt of 1857
Provisions of Government of India Act of 1858

• The act known as the Act for the Good Government of India, abolished the East India Company, and transferred the powers of government, territories and revenues to the British Crown
• Governed by, and in the name of, Her Majesty
• Changed the designation of the Governor-General of India to that of Viceroy of India
• The Viceroy was to be assisted with an Executive Council.
• First Viceroy of India: Lord Canning
• Abolishing the Board of Control and Court of Directors (Double Government)
• This act also ended the doctrine of lapse.
• Created a new office, Secretary of State for India (a member of the British cabinet);
• First Secretary of State for India: Lord Stanley
• Established a 15-member Council of India to assist the secretary of state for India
Source: M. Laxmikant