General Studies II

Prarambh: Startup India International Summit

In news 
  • Indian Prime Minister will interact with startups and address ‘Prarambh: Startup India International Summit’ on 16th January 2021
Key takeaways
  • Organized by: Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. 
  • The two-day Summit is being organised as a follow up of the announcement made by the Prime Minister at the fourth BIMSTEC Summit held in Kathmandu in August 2018 wherein India committed to host the BIMSTEC Startup Conclave.
  • The Summit marks the 5th anniversary of the Startup India initiative, launched by the Prime Minister on 16 January, 2016. 
  • Over 25 countries and more than 200 global speakers shall participate. 
  • The Summit will be the largest startup confluence organised in India since the launch of the Startup India initiative. 
  • Focus: Enhancing multilateral cooperation and engagement with countries from around the globe to collectively develop and strengthen the startup ecosystems.
  • Encouraging and inspiring the youth for innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Exchange knowledge on best practices on nurturing startup ecosystems
  • Develop capacities of entrepreneurial ecosystem
  • Mobilize global and domestic capital for investments into startups
  • Provide opportunities to startups for entering domestic (private and public) and international markets
  • Showcasing high-quality, high technology and frugal innovations from India
  • Enable ease of doing business for startups and investors.
About Prarambh

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India will be organising ‘Prarambh’ – Startup India International Summit – on 15 and 16 January 2021 in a virtual format.

As a noun, ‘Prarambh’ means ‘an auspicious beginning’. As a verb, it implies ‘to start’.

Prarambh is expected to bring together top policy makers, industry, academia, investors, startups and all stakeholders from across the globe. In addition to deliberating on good practices from best of the ecosystems across the world, the sessions of the Summit are designed to showcase the spread and depth of entrepreneurship based on innovation in India. The idea is to attain attention of global capital for startups in India, mobilize domestic capital, provide opportunities for accessing international markets to our startups and evolve enabling policy provisions.

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