Daily Static QuizEnvironment

Daily Static Quiz (Environment) March 13, 2025

Daily Static Quiz

With reference to global grassland ecosystems, consider the following statements:

  1. Pampas grasslands found in South America support extensive cattle ranching.

  2. Steppes of Central Asia are characterized by hot summers and extremely cold winters.

  3. Veldt grasslands of Africa receive higher rainfall than typical tropical savannas.

  4. Prairies of North America feature tall grasses in eastern regions and short grasses in western regions.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Which of the following economic activities is LEAST associated with desert ecosystems?
(a) Extraction of mineral resources
(b) Tourism centered around unique landforms
(c) Intensive rain-fed agriculture
(d) Solar power generation

Consider the following adaptations:

  1. Succulent stems with waxy coating

  2. Extensive shallow root systems

  3. Reduced leaf size or transformation of leaves into spines

  4. Nocturnal lifestyle with daytime dormancy

These adaptations are most commonly found in organisms inhabiting:
(a) Tropical rainforests
(b) Alpine meadows
(c) Desert ecosystems
(d) Mangrove swamps

With reference to global forest resources, consider the following statements:

  1. Boreal forests store more carbon per unit area than tropical forests.

  2. The rate of deforestation has steadily increased worldwide over the past decade.

  3. Agroforestry practices have been recognized as effective carbon sequestration strategies.

  4. Forest certification systems like FSC have limited impact on sustainable forest management.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(d) 3 and 4 only

Consider the following statements regarding the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD):

  1. It is the only legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management.

  2. It addresses specifically the arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas known as drylands.

  3. The concept of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) was introduced during the Rio+20 Conference.

  4. India has declared to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality by 2025.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

As per the recent Indian State of Forest Report, which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The total forest and tree cover in India is approximately 24.56% of the geographical area
(b) There has been a continuous decline in forest cover over the past decade
(c) Mangrove forests have shown significant decline in all coastal states
(d) The maximum increase in forest cover is observed in the Western Ghats region

Which of the following methods is most commonly used for measuring dissolved oxygen in water bodies for environmental monitoring?
(a) Gas Chromatography
(b) Winkler Titration Method
(c) Flame Photometry
(d) Polymerase Chain Reaction

Consider the following statements about eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems:

  1. It is primarily caused by the depletion of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus.

  2. It typically leads to increased water clarity and deeper light penetration.

  3. Harmful algal blooms are a common consequence of eutrophication.

  4. It can create hypoxic or “dead zones” where aquatic organisms cannot survive.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 3 and 4 only

With reference to the National Wetland Conservation Programme in India, consider the following statements:

  1. It was merged with the National Lake Conservation Plan to form the National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (NPCA).

  2. It follows a river basin approach for conservation and management of wetlands.

  3. Urban wetlands are excluded from its purview.

  4. It provides financial assistance for implementing conservation activities.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 4 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Consider the following statements about the Montreux Record:

  1. It is a register of wetland sites maintained under the Ramsar Convention.

  2. Sites are included in this record if they have undergone adverse ecological changes.

  3. Inclusion in the Montreux Record automatically qualifies a site for financial assistance.

  4. India currently has three wetlands listed in the Montreux Record.

Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 2 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Answer Key and Detailed Explanations

Grassland ecosystems represent approximately 20% of the earth’s surface and occur in both tropical and temperate regions where rainfall is insufficient to support tree growth. The Pampas grasslands in South America indeed support extensive cattle ranching due to their fertile soils and are among the most productive agricultural regions in the world. Steppes of Central Asia are characterized by continental climate with hot summers and extremely cold winters, which is correct. Statement 3 is incorrect as Veldt grasslands (also known as Veld) receive lower rainfall than typical tropical savannas, not higher. Prairies of North America do feature tall grasses in the more humid eastern regions and short grasses in the drier western regions due to the rainfall gradient, making statement 4 correct. Grasslands are found in areas with well-defined hot and dry, warm and rainy seasons, which contributes to their distinct ecological characteristics.

Desert ecosystems cover approximately 17% of the Earth’s surface and exist on nearly every continent2. Desert ecosystems are characterized by extremely low and unpredictable rainfall patterns, making intensive rain-fed agriculture nearly impossible. The other options are all valid economic activities in desert regions. Mineral extraction is common in deserts due to exposed geological formations, which contributes to their economic significance. Tourism centered around unique landforms like dunes, canyons, and oases is significant in many desert regions, as these geological features attract visitors and boost local economies. Solar power generation has become increasingly important in deserts due to abundant sunlight and available land, offering sustainable energy solutions in these arid regions.

All the adaptations listed are characteristic of desert-dwelling organisms that have evolved to survive in harsh arid conditions. Succulent stems with waxy coating help plants retain water and reduce transpiration, as mentioned in search result. These adapted desert plants can engage in photosynthesis despite the challenging conditions. Extensive shallow root systems allow plants to quickly absorb rainfall before it evaporates, maximizing water uptake from limited precipitation events. Reduced leaf size or transformation of leaves into spines minimizes water loss through transpiration while still providing protection. Nocturnal lifestyle with daytime dormancy helps animals avoid extreme daytime heat while conserving energy and water, which is a critical adaptation in desert environments where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically between day and night.

Global forest resources play a critical role in climate regulation and biodiversity conservation. Boreal forests do store more carbon per unit area than tropical forests due to slower decomposition rates in colder climates, making statement 1 correct. Statement 2 is incorrect because global deforestation rates have actually shown a decreasing trend over the past decade according to FAO reports, though it remains a serious concern. Agroforestry practices have indeed been recognized as effective carbon sequestration strategies while providing multiple benefits, making statement 3 correct. Statement 4 is incorrect as forest certification systems like FSC have demonstrated significant positive impacts on sustainable forest management practices worldwide. According to the search results, forests deliver important ecosystem goods and services, and any major change in available forest resources directly or indirectly affects climate change.

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) represents a critical international framework for addressing land degradation. The UNCCD is indeed the only legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. It specifically addresses the arid, semi-arid, and dry sub-humid areas known as drylands, making statements 1 and 2 correct. These areas face particular challenges due to limited rainfall and extreme temperature conditions. The concept of Land Degradation Neutrality was introduced during the Rio+20 Conference in 2012, making statement 3 correct. This concept aims to maintain or improve the amount of healthy and productive land resources over time. Statement 4 is incorrect as India has declared to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality by 2030, not 2025, as part of its commitment to the UNCCD.

According to search result4, which references the ‘India State of Forest Report 2019’, “the total forest and tree cover in India is 80.73 million hectares which is around 24.56% of the total geographical area of the country.” This makes option (a) correct. These forests provide essential ecosystem services including food, fiber, edible oils, drugs, minerals, and minor forest produce like tendu and honey. Options (b) and (c) are incorrect as there hasn’t been a continuous decline in overall forest cover, and mangrove forests have actually shown an increase in some coastal states. Option (d) is incorrect as the report doesn’t indicate that the maximum increase is in the Western Ghats specifically. The protection and sustainable management of these forest resources is crucial given their role in mitigating climate change and supporting biodiversity.

The Winkler Titration Method is the most commonly used and standard method for measuring dissolved oxygen in water bodies for environmental monitoring. It’s considered the gold standard for dissolved oxygen determination and is used to calibrate electronic meters. The procedure involves fixing the oxygen with manganese hydroxide, which is then oxidized to a manganic compound in the presence of potassium iodide and a strong alkali. Upon acidification, iodine is released in proportion to the original dissolved oxygen concentration, and this iodine is then titrated with a standard thiosulfate solution. Gas Chromatography is used for analyzing volatile compounds, Flame Photometry is used for metal ion detection, and Polymerase Chain Reaction is a DNA amplification technique used in molecular biology, not for dissolved oxygen measurement.

Eutrophication represents one of the most significant water quality issues facing freshwater ecosystems globally. Statement 1 is incorrect because eutrophication is caused by the excess (not depletion) of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies, typically from agricultural runoff, sewage, or industrial discharges. Statement 2 is also incorrect since eutrophication leads to decreased water clarity due to algal blooms, not increased clarity. The proliferation of algae reduces light penetration through the water column. Statements 3 and 4 are correct: harmful algal blooms are indeed a common consequence of eutrophication, and the decomposition of these algae can create hypoxic or “dead zones” where oxygen levels are too low for aquatic organisms to survive. This process can devastate aquatic ecosystems, causing fish kills and dramatic shifts in species composition.

The National Wetland Conservation Programme represents India’s commitment to preserving its critical wetland ecosystems. Statement 1 is correct as the National Wetland Conservation Programme was merged with the National Lake Conservation Plan to form the National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Ecosystems (NPCA). This consolidation aimed to create a more comprehensive approach to aquatic ecosystem management. Statement 2 is incorrect because the program predominantly follows a wetland-specific approach rather than a river basin approach. Statement 3 is also incorrect as urban wetlands are included in the program’s purview, recognizing their ecological importance and the threats they face from urbanization. Statement 4 is correct as the program does provide financial assistance for implementing conservation activities to state governments and other implementing agencies, enabling on-ground conservation actions.

The Montreux Record serves as an important mechanism within the Ramsar Convention framework for highlighting threatened wetlands. The Montreux Record is indeed a register of wetland sites maintained under the Ramsar Convention, making statement 1 correct. Statement 2 is also correct as sites are included in this record if they have undergone, are undergoing, or are likely to undergo adverse ecological changes due to technological developments, pollution, or other human interference. This listing helps focus international attention on sites requiring urgent conservation interventions. Statement 3 is incorrect because inclusion in the Montreux Record doesn’t automatically qualify a site for financial assistance, though it does highlight sites needing priority conservation attention. Statement 4 is incorrect as India currently has two wetlands (not three) listed in the Montreux Record: Keoladeo National Park and Loktak Lake, both facing significant ecological challenges.


These ten questions represent the type and complexity of environmental topics that UPSC candidates may encounter in the Prelims examination. The questions demonstrate how the UPSC tests not only factual knowledge but also conceptual understanding and the ability to analyze multiple statements for their accuracy. Candidates should focus on developing a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues, from ecosystem characteristics to international conventions and national conservation programs. The increasing importance of environment and ecology in the UPSC syllabus reflects the growing global recognition of environmental challenges and sustainable development as critical areas for future governance and policy-making.

Daily Static Quiz


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