Simplified Current Affairs
Simplified Current Affairs
Current affairs are necessary for every stage of the UPSC Civil Services Exam(Prelims, Mains and Interview). The Questions can be direct or even indirectly linked to the static or basic part of a particular topic.
Current affairs that is needed for UPSC IAS exam preparation is updated every day. These current events are prepared from The Hindu, PIB, Indian Express, Economic Times, Frontline and other standard sources. These daily insights are free of cost, no copyright, you can download, print and share. Just study hard!!!
Though current affairs are important and holds a significant portion of syllabus but there is no defined syllabus of current affairs for both prelims and mains examination. The UPSC syllabus for prelims just mentions, ” Current events of national and international importance”. Therefore, it completely depends on the candidate how he approaches his preparation towards the current affairs. Before we jump to the strategy to prepare for current affairs one must analyse the previous year question papers and try to get a basic understanding on the type and number of questions which are being asked from current affairs in the recent past.
Subhas Chandra Bose
Diego Garcia Island and Chagos Archipelago
The Coriolis force
How does terrestrial radiation compare to solar radiation in heating of the atmosphere
What were the events that led to the Quit India Movement? Point out its results .
Estimate the contribution of Pallavas of Kanchi for the development of art and literature of South India.
Underline the changes in the field of society and economy from the Rig Vedic to the later Vedic period.

Savitribai Phule: Mother of Indian Feminism
The Vardhana Dynasty (c. 500 to c. 647)
Swamitva Scheme
A1 and A2 Milk
Diego Garcia Island and Chagos Archipelago
ICA Global Cooperative Conference 2024

National Education Day in India
NHRC Hosts ITEC Programme for Capacity Building of Global Human Rights Officials

Women’s Health Issues in India
Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP)
Satellite Docking
INS Nilgiri, INS Surat, and INS Vaghsheer
National Turmeric Board
Greenfield project
The BioE3 Policy in India

National Milk Day: Celebrating India’s Dairy Legacy

National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF): An Initiative for Sustainable Agriculture in India
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
COP26- Glasgow Conference

The Global Stocktake

National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)