General Studies IIIEnvironment and Ecology

BRICS Green Hydrogen Summit


NTPC anchors two day BRICS Green Hydrogen Summit

Key Highlights:

  • NTPC Ltd, India’s largest energy integrated company under Ministry of Power anchored a two day workshop on Green Hydrogen, one of the most popular and demanding fields in the current times and considered to be the next carrier of energy.
  • The online event saw leading experts from the Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) countries who shared their insights and professional views on the subject as well as the latest developments going on in their countries in the area of green hydrogen.

  • BRICS countries shared their insights and professional views on subject and latest developments of their countries in the field of green hydrogen.
  • Key notes from expert highlights that, government & industry must work together to ensure that existing regulations are not an unnecessary barrier to investment.
  • Five BRICS countries have a common vision of sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. Strategic areas of importance for grouping include- strengthening energy cooperation & ensuring affordable, reliable, accessible and secured energy for all BRICS countries are capable of ensuring a net-zero carbon emission because the cost of deployment of emerging technologies in BRICS countries is a fraction as compared to developed countries.
  • BRICS countries are focusing on green hydrogen because it has a great potential to ensure sustainable energy supply, increase level of energy availability and minimize negative impact on environment.

What is Green Hydrogen?

  • Hydrogen, when produced by electrolysis using renewable energy is known as Green Hydrogen which has no carbon footprint.
  • This gives hydrogen the edge over other fuels to unlock various avenues of green usage.
  • However, challenges lie in terms of technology, efficiency, financial viability, and scaling up which the summit will aim to address.

Applications of green hydrogen

  • Green hydrogen has innumerable applications.
  • Green Chemicals like ammonia and methanol can directly be utilized in existing applications like fertilizers, mobility, power, chemicals, shipping among others.
  • Green Hydrogen blending up to 10 percent may be adopted in CGD networks to gain widespread acceptance.
  • Further scaling up with greening of hard to abate sectors like steel and cement through hydrogen is to be explored.
  • Many countries have brought out their strategies and defined targets and roadmaps based on their resources and strengths.

Why focusing on Green Hydrogen ?

  • Hydrogen fuel is a zero-emission fuel burned with oxygen.
  • Also it is the first element in the periodic table. 
  • Hydrogen is the lightest element and weight of hydrogen is less than air
  • So it rises in the atmosphere and is therefore rarely found in its pure form H2.

Role of NTPC

  • NTPC is pioneering Green Hydrogen Initiatives in India.
    • NTPC which is undertaking extensive study, experimentation in the areas of Carbon Capture & Hydrogen.
    • It also announced a few pilot projects on Green Hydrogen to this.
    • NTPC Ltd. is a central Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of Power.
    • It is India’s largest energy conglomerate with roots planted way back in 1975 to accelerate power development in India.
    • Aim: To provide reliable power and related solutions in an economical, efficient and environment-friendly manner, driven by innovation and agility.
    • It became a Maharatna company in May 2010.
    • It is located in New Delhi.

  • Few Recent Initiatives:
    • Creation of public charging infrastructure in various cities and battery charging and swapping stations for electric 3-wheelers have been commissioned.
    • Providing electric buses to state/city transport undertakings. For example, e-bus solutions for Andaman and Nicobar Administration are under implementation.
    • Launch of its new project involving hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) to run in Delhi and Leh.

Source: PIB

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