EnergyGeneral Studies III

India Energy Dashboards (Version 2.0)


India Energy Dashboards (Version 2.0) launched by NITI Aayog

Reliable, robust and validated data are critical for informed planning, policy development and investment decision. The energy projections are key as we need to seize today’s opportunities to build a sustainable tomorrow. India has five energy ministries and multiple energy-consuming sectoral ministries leading the energy discourse in the country. India can no longer afford to operate in a siloed energy data paradigm. NITI Aayog’s India Energy Dashboards (IED) aims to provide single-window access to the energy data in the country. It aims to provide interesting visualizations of data to get an intuitive understanding of the sector. It is a work in progress and hopefully an initial step towards building a comprehensive, open and freely accessible energy data portal for India.

The key features of the enhanced version, India Energy Dashboards Version 2.0, are – 

  • The IED provides time series data from FY 2005-06 until FY 2019-20;
  • Enhanced data download – It enables easy downloading of data into convenient spreadsheet formats in a cleaner, more intuitive way;
  • IED provides data at sub-yearly frequencies as well. This includes monthly data and API linked data from some portals maintained by the government agencies. The monthly data is sourced from the monthly reports that are regularly published for the electricity, petroleum and natural gas sectors. API linked data from Saubhagya,

UJALA, PRAAPTI, and Vidyut PRAVAH has been incorporated in the portal;

  • A ‘Feedback and Suggestions’ forum for the engagement of energy data user community has been incorporated;
  • A semi-automated workflow/ issue-tracking system for managing periodic updates to the IED. The workflow system performs basic checks and data validation, helping to avoid incorrect data entry;
  • Addition of technical and financial data of electricity utilities available from the regulatory documents in the state of Maharashtra. Regulatory data specifically for the area served by the state-owned distribution utility – MSEDCL has been added. The Dashboards will include other states data in future.

 Live data from Saubhagya, UJALA, PRAAPTI and VIDYUT PRAVAH has been incorporated in the portal

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