General Studies IIIEnvironment and Ecology

Maharashtra to protect Heritage trees


Maharashtra government is set to make arrangements for protecting ‘heritage trees’ by making changes to the Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection and Preservation of Trees Act of 1975.


  • Heritage tree is defined as a one that has passed age of 50 years. The species of the tree may be notified from time to time.

  • There have been demand to consider a tree’s cultural, religious, historical, rarity, mythological and botanical importance before classifying it as heritage tree.

  • The counting of heritage trees and surveys will have to be carried out every five years by the local tree authority.

Determining age Heritage trees

  • The most common way of determining the age of the tree is through a method called Dendrochronology. In this method the annual tree rings will be calculated.

  • The tree adds a ring every year. This will be able to determine the age and also some of its characteristics too.

  • The tree ring is harvested by boring a hole and obtaining a small sample for study. The role is then closed to prevent diseases.


  • The heritage tree will be used decide the compensatory mechanism. A person cutting heritage tree will have to plant same number of trees as the age of the cut tree.

  • The individual has to ensure that the planted sapling survives for seven years and later have to be geo-tagged.


A person can pay compensation in money if planting tree is not possible. The economic value has not yet been determined but it will be based on its oxygen output.

Source: Indian Express



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