General Studies IIIInternal Security

India’s First Defence Dome system “Indrajaal”


  • Grene Robotics, a Hyderabad based company has developed an indigenous autonomous drone defence dome called Indrajaal.
  • Indrajaal is an autonomous defence weapon system that uses technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cyber security and robotics to identify and counter threats.
  • It is India’s first 100 percent indigenous unified, distributed and wide-area Autonomous Drone Defense Dome.
  • Each system is capable of protecting a large area of 1000 to 2000 sq. km against threats from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or UAVs and incoming weapons.
  • It has gained significance as Jammu Air Base on June 27th was attacked by UAVs to drop explosives next to the Mi-17 hangar. 
  • The ANTI-UAV systems will not only provide protection to defence bases but it will be beneficial for linear infrastructures like international borders against advanced weaponry.
  • Indrajaal is a paradigm shift in the drone warfare system including Low Radar cross-section (RCS) threat warfare.

Low Radar cross-section (RCS): Low RCS includes ammunitions, rockets as well as drones fired from the enemy territory to target the other side.

Key features of Indrajaal

  • Real-time situational awareness.
  • Integrated and Intelligent meshed network.
  • Integrated all current weapons suite and infrastructure.
  • Honeycombed cell structure is seamlessly built.
  • Synergic combination of 9-10 technologies.
  • 24×7 persistent and autonomous monitoring, action and tracking.

Why it Need:

Drones, in the recent times, are emerging as the new form of warfare by the enemy side and if a nation has to be prepared for this new weapon of war, then the strata of air defence have to be looked at, separately.

  • As drone threats are unconventional, the counter-attack should also be unconventional, for which a separate set of weapons, a separate set of sensors and separate tactics are required.
  • manual weapons and point-based defence systems can’t fight modern warfare, which is driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics and for which the development of Indrajaal was critical.
  • As drones are now commercialised and easily available for common use, they pose a new challenge on the security front.

Technology behind Indrajaal

  • Considered as the 3rd revolution of warfare, the design principles of Indrajaal are based on delivering autonomy to the armed forces
  • The synergic combination of 9-10 modern technologies helmed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity and robotics.

What are UAVs/Drones?

  • The term “drone” usually refers to any unpiloted aircraft.
  • Drones are more formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or unmanned aircraft systems (UASes).
  • These robotic UAVs operate without a pilot on board and with different levels of autonomy. 
  • A drone’s autonomy level can range from remotely piloted (a human controls its movements) to advanced autonomy, which means that it relies on a system of sensors and LIDAR detectors to calculate its movement.


The development of Indrajaal is gaining importance in the backdrop of the recent attack by suspected drones on the Indian Air Force base at Jammu.

Source: Hindu Business Line

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