Ministry of Agriculture
- National Agriculture Market or eNAM is an online trading platform for agricultural commodities in India.
- The market facilitates farmers, traders and buyers with online trading in commodities.
- The market is helping in better price discovery and providing facilities for smooth marketing of their produce.
- It was launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
- The electronic market pilot across India was launched on 14 April
- The Portal is managed by Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) with the technology provider, NFCL’s iKisan division.
- NAM is envisaged as a pan-India electronic trading portal which seeks to network the existing APMC and other market yards to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities. NAM is a “virtual” market but it has a physical market (mandi) at the back end.
- A national e-market platform for transparent sale transactions and price discovery initially in regulated markets. Willing States to accordingly enact suitable provisions in their APMC Act for promotion of e-trading by their State Agricultural Marketing Board/APMC.
- Liberal licensing of traders/buyers and commission agents by State authorities without any pre-condition of physical presence or possession of shop /premises in the market yard.
- One license for a trader valid across all markets in the State.
- Harmonisation of quality standards of agricultural produce and provision for assaying (quality testing) infrastructure in every market to enable informed bidding by buyers. Common tradable parameters have so far been developed for 25 commodities.
- Single point levy of market fees, i.e. on the first wholesale purchase from the farmer.
- Provision of Soil Testing Laboratories in/ or near the selected mandi to facilitate visiting farmers to access this facility in the mandi itself. M/s. Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd. is the Strategic Partner (SP) who is responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the platform. The broad role of the Strategic Partner is comprehensive and includes the writing of the software, customizing it to meet the specific requirements of the mandis in the States willing to integrate with NAM and running the platform
Benefits of Trading on NAM
- Transparent Online Trading
- Real Time Price Discovery
- Better Price Realization For Producers
- Reduced Transaction Cost For Buyers
- Stable Price and Availability to Consumers
- Quality Certification, Warehousing, and Logistics
- More Efficient Supply Chain
- Payment and Delivery Guarantee
- Error Free Reporting of Transactions
- Enhanced Accessibility to the Market